We’ve launched the first-ever DJ-created vision for the future of the electronic music industry. Our vision sets out what a greener, fairer and more innovative global electronic music industry could look like in 2030, together with ideas on how to get there. 

This vision was created through a series of workshops involving DJs from many different continents and backgrounds, including Biomigrant, Eli Soulclap, Jinku, Lola Villa, Louisahhh, Mr. V and Peter Power, and designed and facilitated by sustainability non-profit reroot.org. 

It Draws on an initial survey conducted at the end of 2020, which gained responses from more than 170 DJs globally including Lauren Flax, Nicola Cruz, Sam Feldt, Sander Kleinenberg and Thugfucker.





In 2030 we are not just an industry, but a vibrant global community at the forefront of climate, environmental and social action. 

 “As DJs and artists, we take responsibility for our actions and impacts. When we travel we fly less, stay longer and connect more deeply - nourishing our creativity, as well as our mental and emotional health. Touring is regenerative, not extractive: a two-way exchange that supports local people, culture and ecologies. 

 “We favour clubs, festivals and events that operate in harmony with nature, are inclusive, and inspire a mindset shift. The contributions of diverse peoples in diverse places are recognised and valued: line-ups are more representative of our diverse, dynamic movement, with stronger regional and local programming.  

“To support less frequent flying, by 2030 we’ve built an income model that’s less reliant on touring. Income earned from music creation better reflects its true value; artists have united to demand fair pay from digital service providers; and supplementary income is available from other sources, both on and offline. 

 “As culture creators, we inspire others and create cultural trends by speaking with an authentic, humble voice about what’s needed, what’s happening, and opportunities to push further. We know we don’t have all the answers, but embrace the opportunity to be open and transparent, have difficult conversations when needed, and build an urgent industry-wide dialogue.”